What would your air conditioner be without a good thermostat? Well, the truth is that you wouldn’t be able to use it at all! But what about if your thermostat is just faulty? While this is better than having no thermostat at all, it still certainly isn’t a good situation to be in.
If your thermostat is struggling, it is best to talk to a technician to have it repaired or replaced. The sooner you get full control of your indoor environment back, the better off everyone in your home will be! If you notice the following issues with your thermostat, it may be best to schedule an upgrade for your thermostat in Milwaukee, WI.
4 Signs Your Thermostat Needs to Be Replaced
Don’t ignore thermostat woes! This is the control center of your HVAC system, so if something is wrong with it, then it will hinder your comfort no matter how well your AC works. Be alert for these indicators that it is time to upgrade your thermostat.
1. You still have a slider or dial thermostat
A slider or dial thermostat may still work but it simply can’t compare to the effective temperature detection or efficiency of the newer thermostats that are on the market. Slider or dial thermostats are ones that need to be upgraded even if they still work to give you better control of your home comfort.
2. One of your HVAC systems has been replaced, but your thermostat hasn’t.
Anytime you replace your air conditioner or your heater, you should replace your thermostat too. This is because pairing an older thermostat with a newer HVAC system will actually reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of a new system. You never want to pair an updated AC or heater with an aged thermostat, so if you’ve done a system replacement recently but haven’t changed the thermostat, now is the time to do it.
3. The thermostat is always off by three degrees or more.
You’ve checked and double-checked but it always seems like the temperature in the house doesn’t match what the thermostat says. A home that is 77°F certainly feels different than one that is 80°F! If you are dealing with a thermostat that just isn’t reading the temperature in the house correctly, it may need to be recalibrated or, if it is getting to be on the older side, it may need to be replaced.
4. Your thermostat doesn’t respond when you try to adjust the temperature.
How frustrating is it when you try to adjust the temperature in your home but your thermostat takes its time to respond when you try to use it? Or, worse, how awful is it when it doesn’t respond at all? These are both situations that warrant a call to a professional for thermostat service. An unusable thermostat isn’t worth keeping around.
With the new smart or wireless thermostats that are on the market, you can enjoy home comfort control that is better than ever before. Upgrading your thermostat can even improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. Reach out to one of our professionals to learn more about your options and get your upgrade taken care of.
Schedule an appointment with the experts at Capital Heating & Cooling. Proudly serving Wisconsin since 2007.